95 percent of employers are concerned about security risks from BYOD
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95 percent of employers are concerned about security risks from BYOD


Allowing employees to use their own devices is an increasingly popular trend, but BYOD opens up security threats that can leave company data vulnerable. A new survey commissioned by security specialists Webroot looks at the reality of mobile security.
Source: betanews.com
BYOD is here to stay, weather IT managers like it or not. How many IT managers have the authority to refuse their CEO his wishes to use his iPad on the job? And if they can/do bring their devices others will. 

Also, want to recruit those 18-34 and don’t have the right tools for them? They will go where they can.

So IT managers; live with it, adapt and develop strategies and implement the tools coming out right now. Remember, design for mobile first, public network transport outside firewalls, risk of lost devices, and a myriad of screen sizes, etc. Old architectures will not survive where we are heading.

Read More: http://pingpal.io/2014/07/95-percent-of-employers-are-concerned-about-security-risks-from-byod/