Security News
Hojt Communication is a consulting company focused on our clients need to rapidly bring the right product to the right market. We stand out due to our ability to combine skills in strategy, implementation, operations and technology with deep understanding about the connected world and the new levels of security and privacy protection that world brings.
vision,strategy,product,market,business development,marketing,mobility,Internet of Things,IoT,Security
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The web is overflowing with information, especially when it comes to hot topics like security, mobility and Internet of Things.


Since we make it our business to be on top of the latest development we find a lot of interesting news and blog posts. We publish them here in our curated Security News, with our comments, and with links to the original material.

6 Iot Security Fundamentals That Need To Be Solved

See on - Apps and Internet of Things This is "6 Iot Security Fundamentals That Need To Be Solved" presentation from the IoT conference in Lund Internet of Things is still very immature. There is not even a consensus in what it means. It covers many different technologies like the new

Email Is Forever – and It’s Not Private | SecurityWeek.Com

See on - secure file transfer Conventional email security solutions may defend against spam, viruses, and malware, but they don’t defend against ignorance or egregious stupidity. Apptimate's insight: "Dance like no one is watching; email like it may one day be read aloud in a deposition." E-mail is less secure than a

Someone Is Learning How to Take Down the Internet

See on - Secure communication Over the past year or two, someone has been probing the defenses of the companies that run critical pieces of the Internet. These probes take the form of precisely calibrated attacks designed to determine exactly how well these companies can defend themselves, and what would

How to Hack Smart Bluetooth Locks and IoT Devices — Check this Out

See on - Apps and Internet of Things Here's How to Hack Smart Bluetooth Locks and Other IoT Devices — Check Out this Video from Pwnie Express Apptimate's insight: First generation IoT products are clearly not designed with security from start. Especially troublesome when the product that's not designed for security is

No over-the-air update means GM has to recall four million cars to…

See on - Apps and Internet of Things US motor company General Motors is recalling four million vehicles worldwide due to a software bug that has been linked to at least one death. Apptimate's insight: This patching process is a remnant from the old ages before IT, and NOT an acceptable way

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