Security News
Hojt Communication is a consulting company focused on our clients need to rapidly bring the right product to the right market. We stand out due to our ability to combine skills in strategy, implementation, operations and technology with deep understanding about the connected world and the new levels of security and privacy protection that world brings.
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The web is overflowing with information, especially when it comes to hot topics like security, mobility and Internet of Things.


Since we make it our business to be on top of the latest development we find a lot of interesting news and blog posts. We publish them here in our curated Security News, with our comments, and with links to the original material.

CallJam malware infects Androids and keeps ringing premium rate numbers

See on - Secure communication The CallJam malware masquerades as a four-star rated Android game on Google Play, and has a worrying addiction to making premium rate phone calls. Apptimate's insight: Playing games on your smartphone can become very expensive. Check your bills! See on

Data Manipulation: An Imminent Threat

See on - Secure communication Critical industries are largely unprepared for a potential wave of destructive attacks. Apptimate's insight: The same will hit Internet of Things. There is a big misconception about securing IoT systems: "who is interested in the data of this sensor?", for instance a temperature. Probably only the owner of

Vendors leave crypto key in the door when it comes to security

See on - Secure communication The problem of certificates baked into firmware continues to jeopardise the security of consumer internet devices despite warnings to vendors, according to a researcher. Apptimate's insight: This problem will most certainly explode with all the IoT products being rolled out. IoT needs a better security model than

MQTT IoT protocol completely open to hack on public internet

See on - Secure communication Lucas Lundgren Senior Security Consultant, FortConsult (Part of NCC Group) Neal Hindocha Principal Consultant, FortConsult (Part of NCC Group) The presentation will begin by discussing the protocol ( and results from a simple query on shodan, showing the number of servers directly available on the internet. We

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