Why Data Security is About More Than Just Your Own Assets — Medium
Hojt Communication is a consulting company focused on our clients need to rapidly bring the right product to the right market. We stand out due to our ability to combine skills in strategy, implementation, operations and technology with deep understanding about the connected world and the new levels of security and privacy protection that world brings.
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Why Data Security is About More Than Just Your Own Assets — Medium


Let’s hope that consumers start voting with their feet. It’s not until it really hurts your bottom line anything will change.
Pro-active security investments need a better ROI model to fight its way through the corporate focus on maximizing short-term profitability.

Sourced through Scoop.it from: medium.com

Let’s hope that consumers start voting with their feet. It’s not until it really hurts your bottom line anything will change.

Pro-active security investments need a better ROI model to fight its way through the corporate focus on maximizing short-term profitability.

See on Scoop.itSecure communication

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