Executives Underestimate Importance of Security, Privacy to Consumers – Deloitte Risk & Compliance – WSJ
Hojt Communication is a consulting company focused on our clients need to rapidly bring the right product to the right market. We stand out due to our ability to combine skills in strategy, implementation, operations and technology with deep understanding about the connected world and the new levels of security and privacy protection that world brings.
vision,strategy,product,market,business development,marketing,mobility,Internet of Things,IoT,Security
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Executives Underestimate Importance of Security, Privacy to Consumers – Deloitte Risk & Compliance – WSJ

Source: deloitte.wsj.com

Caring about your customers should come natural to any company. Caring about the privacy and security is still a good marketing message, but hopefully it will grow to be a necessity to have staying customers and stay in business.

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Executives Underestimate Importance of Security, Privacy to Consumers – Deloitte Risk & Compliance – WSJ