It’s Time For You To Make Security a Core Feature — Not a Tax — Medium
So many things have gotten better on the product side of SaaS in the past few years. Amazing tools, the evolution of AWS as “enterprise…
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The same reasoning should go into any product roadmap. Clouds and SaaS are just components of the connected world.
You have the data-in-transit issues with SSL and VPN being cracked by authorities (and thus opening doors to cyber warfare and cyber criminality).
You have the emerging Internet of Things with no interoperability and no security built in from the start.
You have connected cars, and the numerous hacks, like turning off the brakes on that Jeep Cherokee.
The list just goes on and on.
The problem with entrepreneurs is that they (hopefully) are experts in the problem they are trying to solve. They are not experts in security and penetration testing. But they must make these initial design criteria. The amount of damage they can do to their customers are substantial, from simple things like identity theft, stalking, emptied bank accounts, etc., to actually killing people on the road or in a hospital.
But it’s not only a problem with entrepreneurs. The same goes with a lot of larger development departments that are in a traditional industry that now start to connect their products. They must realize that even if they are experts on their products, they are not experts on security.
See on – Secure communication