How is NSA breaking so much crypto?
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How is NSA breaking so much crypto?


How is NSA breaking so much crypto?

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For some time now there has been a rumour that NSA has broken VPN encryption, but no facts have confirmed this. Until now.

Researchers have found a vulnerability in the implementation of the crypto technology used, something that proves that it would be possible for NSA to break two-thirds of VPNs and a quarter of all SSH servers globally. Of course, there is no confirmation that they have done this, but there are strong indications.

NSA knows this and has recommended US government and US corporations to move over to elliptical curve encryptions, the same type of technology that makes easy to use for any app developer.

The poorly implemented VPN and SSH products will be in use and on the market for a long time to come. So if you want to be sure to be private, use an app that is based on secure communication.

See on Scoop.itSecure communication