Five ways CIOs tackle hybrid cloud security
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Five ways CIOs tackle hybrid cloud security

The traditional moat model of security is disappearing as companies embrace hybrid cloud security strategies from microsegmentation to perimeter controls.

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The old world of firewalls and secure networks is coming down. Data flows on public networks to mobile users and, soon, connected things.

This requires new thinking in how to orchestrate security, managing Single Sign-ons for internal and cloud systems, strong multi- factor authentication and encryption for all data at rest as well as in transfer.

Special care needs to be taken to protect inter-organizational transfer of data through, for instance, emails and document sharing, where standardizations is an important key.

A lot of challenges for Security and IT-departments, especially since we all know that users are like a river. They will always take the easiest path to get their job done, disregarding any policies. The new security measures must be simpler to use while protecting an environment that becomes more complex by the hour.

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Five ways CIOs tackle hybrid cloud security