Customers deserve to know about data breaches quickly
Time to update Washington’s antiquated data-breach notification law.
How do you protect yourself and your data when not even your insurance company care enough about your privacy? In the same way that you wouldn’t enter a bad neighborhood after dark alone. Surely, everyone will get hacked or DDoS disrupted sooner or later, but it is about how they manage it that shows their attitude. Don’t sign up to a service where hackers have been and not enough have been done afterwards to protect you. Speedy damage control should be expected!
Don’t be quiet about it. Don’t take their excuses about advanced hacks, it’s their job to protect you.
The only way to wake companies from their “Sleeping Beauty”-like sleep is if they have to take the full hit from their negligence.
See on – Secure communication
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Customers deserve to know about data breaches quickly