Creating secure devices for the Internet of Things – Help Net Security
Hojt Communication is a consulting company focused on our clients need to rapidly bring the right product to the right market. We stand out due to our ability to combine skills in strategy, implementation, operations and technology with deep understanding about the connected world and the new levels of security and privacy protection that world brings.
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Creating secure devices for the Internet of Things – Help Net Security


The Internet of Things (IoT) and subsequent explosion of connected devices have created a world of opportunities we might never have anticipated. But have

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Besides the described design constraints there are some more:

1. Many IoT devices will be battery powered, so they will stay asleep as much as possible to save energy.

2. Communication will go over non-secure public networks. The security must be provided by the IoT device and the applications themselves.

3. Product LIfe Cycle Management. People will install and forget the device. What happens at Product End of Life? Think about the problems ancient Windows XP is causing and the never ending problems with old versions of Internet Explorer still in use.

See on Scoop.itApps and Internet of Things