A privacy standard for Internet of Things suppliers
Setting up a common privacy standard now will earn user trust.
Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.cio.com
IoT is a very complicated matter and we do need standards for privacy and security. We also need standards for interoperability. The applications will most probably consist of devices, clouds, apps, etc from different suppliers and they will all have to be compliant to these standards. Otherwise, there will be a week link that compromises the whole application.
Another thing that needs sorting out is the liability issue. If you have connected devices that, for instance, connects and talk to your car nd your car then takes decisions that cause an accident. Who’s fault is it? The car manufacturer? The SW manufacturer that integrated a feature in the car? The device manufacturer of the failing or hacked sensor that gave the wrong input to the car? The carrier that provided radio access that was interrupted by a DDoS attack or Man-in-the-middle hack?
For the customers to put their trust in IoT we cannot start pointing fingers in the never-ending blame game. We have to fix it beforehand or the IoT dream will become a flunked nightmare.
See on Scoop.it – Apps and Internet of Things