A devil’s bargain: Trying to defend yourself against the NSA may guarantee you’ll become its next target
Hojt Communication is a consulting company focused on our clients need to rapidly bring the right product to the right market. We stand out due to our ability to combine skills in strategy, implementation, operations and technology with deep understanding about the connected world and the new levels of security and privacy protection that world brings.
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A devil’s bargain: Trying to defend yourself against the NSA may guarantee you’ll become its next target


Attempting to protect yourself from the National Security Agency’s snooping might just get you on the agency’s watch list. German investigators have discovered a rule in XKEYSCORE, the program that…
Source: pando.com
I wonder if and when visitors to pingpal.io will be targets of the NSA. And what about users of Telegram and other secure messaging apps? And? If they do target those visitors and users, how many mobile phone owners and web surfers are NOT targeted?

Read More: http://pingpal.io/2014/07/a-devils-bargain-trying-to-defend-yourself-against-the-nsa-may-guarantee-youll-become-its-next-target/